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Showing posts from November, 2019


Diaphragm is one of the area where we hold stress mostly in the form of fear. When stress is held in the diaphragm, our body's reaction is to hunch forward, causing tension in the shoulders. As a result, the chest becomes constricted and lungs are not fully expanded, leading us to feel out of breath and generally feeling exhausted. With the right breathing technique, we can better connect with the breath and allow relaxation to flow into the body. You can practise this exercise any time of the day. Better time would be doing it after Yoga asanas or before going to sleep at night.  Note:   1. Inhale through the nose and slowly exhale through the mouth as if you are exhaling through the straw.   2. If you don't feel comfortable exhaling through the mouth, exhale through the nose itself. It is good to let exhalation happen automatically. Avoid forced exhalation. 3. While lying dying on the floor, you can bent your knees and keep a soft pillow below your lower back.