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Showing posts from March, 2020


In this article I've tried to add some of the things that you can do if you are experiencing a cloud of negative thoughts especially due to unprepared awakening. First of all check how is your breathing pattern. Is it shallow or long? Which nostril is more dominant- left or right? When the left nostril is active then the right brain is active. And when the right nostril is active then the left brain is active. The right brain is music. The left brain is logic. So those who have right nostril active understand better.  If both are active you are in meditation. However if only the right nostril is active, no meditation happens. Whenever we hold onto something (Desire, planning, sense of identity) we are into the left brain. Right brain is more about expansion, creativity, dropping the labels, identities etc. If you are caught up in a cloud of negative thoughts/emotions, then most probably your right nostril (left brain) is more dominant. We need to switch to the right brain